Crosscol-wrapper Text

Vivamus neque velit, ornare vitae, tempor vel, ultrices et, wisi. Cras pede. Phasellus nunc turpis, cursus non, rhoncus vitae, sollicitudin vel, velit. Vivamus suscipit lorem sed felis. Vestibulum vestibulum ultrices turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent ornare nulla nec justo. Sed nec risus ac risus fermentum vestibulum. Etiam viverra viverra sem. Etiam molestie mi quis metus hendrerit tristique.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

WLW test post

This is a WLW test post.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Long Post

Here's a good size post with:

90 paragraphs, 10,546 words, 71,111 bytes of Lorem Ipsum, and, 5 "large" images.

Plus, an additional 86 paragraphs, 10,649 words, 71,680 bytes of Lorem Ipsum.

February 2010 update - the post is 215,000 bytes of Lorem Ipsum. I've lost track of the number of words and paragraphs.

Since Blogger is now limiting the size of the blog pages, this post can appear in its entirety, but the number of posts displayed on the page with it may be limited.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In pretium orci quis purus euismod fringilla. Aenean molestie dui ac eros tempor ut viverra mi aliquam. Pellentesque sed augue eu magna porttitor luctus. Integer eu libero nec tellus elementum interdum in eget metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sollicitudin, eros eu blandit ultricies, velit nulla semper ante, nec congue massa ante in nunc. Phasellus bibendum hendrerit enim a ultrices. Phasellus in nunc mauris. Maecenas sit amet mauris id risus rutrum sodales non ac nulla. Morbi non ligula blandit metus eleifend mattis. Sed quis ante turpis, a pretium felis. Suspendisse egestas, nunc sit amet bibendum sodales, nibh dolor mattis enim, convallis feugiat ipsum nisi quis dolor. In porttitor, tellus porta convallis luctus, lacus urna tempor augue, eget consectetur eros tellus nec urna. Cras ligula nunc, ornare placerat posuere at, sagittis quis justo. Donec eleifend nibh in justo viverra dignissim. Duis blandit pulvinar mauris at molestie. In eget massa quis tellus hendrerit tristique.

Donec id felis risus. Sed accumsan tincidunt libero, vitae feugiat risus tincidunt sed. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget odio felis. Phasellus scelerisque, lectus vel commodo aliquam, ligula diam laoreet lacus, ut vulputate sapien ipsum a metus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce ut eros vitae nibh hendrerit laoreet. Nunc facilisis sapien ut lacus porttitor viverra a at neque. Donec nulla nisi, imperdiet in ullamcorper non, elementum ut nisl. Proin interdum placerat quam, id vehicula elit vehicula et. Etiam vitae urna eu odio consectetur consectetur. Donec nisi dolor, volutpat non luctus nec, adipiscing et magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Mauris molestie elit eget justo aliquam dictum. Curabitur nec libero elit.

Aenean vehicula, tellus vitae interdum pharetra, nisi odio gravida metus, quis pharetra ante odio nec eros.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Header Image Rotation

the script

At the moment, the template has a header image plus a randomly rotating header background image. Here's the BHF query.

The header image, uploaded in the header gadget, is a transparent .GIF with the title "spare-t6-test" and the description "number six in the t e d series of test blogs". The image is 648px wide x 200px high and provides a clickable cover for the background images.

The script that does the background rotation follows the stylesheet in the template's <head> section. The background images are uploaded at, so if they don't appear, blame them. To view the script, check the BHF query.

Maintainer: Me Since it's the same image, I put an image
number on each of the six.

This is a test blog, so you can ask about any of the other features — it's a Minima Black with some mods.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Font Size test

In this test the font family is changed, but the font size is the same for the three lines. The first line is "Georgia", the second "Times", the third "Times New Roman". A line of text to test font size. A line of text to test font size. A line of text to test font size.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Image layout Test

Don't worry, it's just a test. Don't worry, it's just a test. Don't worry, it's just a test.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Image Upload

This is an image upload test. There's a BHF query: Is there a picture size limit when uploading? The uploaded picture is 2,304px x 3,072px and is 543kb. I selected "large", using the old editor (good), and the image scaled to 300px x 400px for the post. The full size image, as saved by Blogger/Picasaweb, is 1,200px × 1,600px and 196kb. All of that is normal and what I expect. When I change the numbers to /s800, width:600px, height:800px, the image scales up, and that's the current size.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fly By

The backgroundThe plane

Here's the flier again. It is a well used image and I will put it on its background again without referring to my Image Test post.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Read More Removed

This Complexion Magazine template:
---------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Name: Complexion Magazine Designer: Guruh Subagya URL: Version Log: 1.0 at 20 February 2009 ----------------------------------------------- */
features the auto-post-summary, which may be one of the better "read more" methods, if you understand and can accept the way the feature works. I had previously modified it for two side-by-side posts, and now have restored it to single column and removed the auto-post-summary. This is the BHF question discussing the removal. I also added the Blogger jump-link code, so my long post would work properly. Without the code, but with <-- more --> in the post, the post appeared ended at the jump-link, as no Read More was present to click.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Latest Post

This is the latest post.